Semper Veritas

Magna est veritas et praevalebit

Great is truth & it will prevail



Botanical paintings can be seen to emerge in Europe from three converging artistic traditions: the first is that of manuscript illumination in religious and scientific volumes; the second is the recording of exotic and native flora, fauna and cultures, which was the artistic expression of the late sixteenth-century fascination with exploration and scientific investigation; and the third is the purely aesthetic love of flowers and gardens which was so apparent in Elizabethan court culture.

Jacques Le Moyne’s ‘Apple’ (below) is a beautiful example of the intricate detail expressed by this form of art, which is almost photographic in quality.

Apple, Malus pumila Millervar  (L.) c.1575
Artist: Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues
Type: Watercolour & Body colour on paper 
Source: #AM.3267Y-1856; © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Lemon, Citrus limon (L.) Seville Orange, Citrus aurantium  (L.) c.1575
Artist: Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues
Type: Watercolour & Body colour on paper 
Source: AM.3267W-1856; © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Yerba mate, Illex Paraguayensis A. St.-Hil. (L.)
Source: The National Encyclopaedia:A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge (Vol. IX)
Artist: Unknown